Miss Omar Temple No. 21  Contestants  2003



1st Runner Up - Leanora Washington. Leanora is the niece of Isaac and Wilma Waldburg of Savannah. She is the fourth oldest of six and the daughter of the late Suzette Washington. She is a 2002 graduate of Windsor Forest High School and is currently attending Savannah Technical College.

 2nd Runner Up  - LeJoy Dobson, the daughter of Sandra Dobson. She is a senior at Beach High School.









Fletcher Scott
Deputy of the Oasis

Jackie Cooper
Illustrious Commandress
Omar Court No. 91


Noble Robert Griffin
Master of Ceremonies

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Miss Omar Winners
Miss Omar 2003 Miss Omar 2000
Miss Omar 2002 Miss Omar 1999
Miss Omar 2001 Miss Omar 1998
Desert Conference Pageant 2003