Talent and Scholarship Pageant


Omar Temple No. 21 Shriners, (P.H.A.), Savannah, Georgia, host a Talent & Scholarship Pageant in March or April each year.  The purpose and benefits of the Talent & Scholarship Pageant are three-fold.  Contestants are able to present their talent to a captive and appreciative audience in the community and participate for the honor of representing a Shrine Unit from the local level to the International level.  Omar Temple No. 21 Shriners and Omar Court No. 91 Daughters of Isis are able to demonstrate their commitment to the development of youth.  The pageant also allows the public an opportunity to enjoy, witness and appreciate the talent, intellect and culture of young ladies from the Coastal Empire.



2004 Miss Omar NO. 21



The winner of the local competition, along with winning a college scholarship and awards, will advance to represent Omar Temple No. 21 and Omar Court No. 91 at the Desert or state competition the 1st weekend in May of each year.  The winner of the Desert competition will advance to the international level and compete for financial values up to $3,000 at the Shriners Imperial Council Session held the third week in August each year.