The primary intent of the Shrine Youth Club is to develop a program of arts and crafts, education programs, sporting events and overall good fellowship among the community’s youth.

Richard Morrison , Youth Director

        Noble Richard Morrison
       Youth Director
Noble Edward Russell
Assistant Youth Director

The objectives of the Youth Shrine Clubs are:

1)                  To build character, health, skills and understanding.

2)                  To encourage and develop the spiritual side of the Youth.

3)                  To develop the natural desire for companionship and mass activities.

4)                  To develop cultural and social activities.

5)                  To develop a program whereby the Youth will not seek recreation on the street.  They will select their companions.

6)                  To stress community pride and take an active part in community activities.

7)                  To stress the importance of education and develop creative and natural abilities.

8)                  To develop special interests and meet the needs of member youth with formal and informal guidance.


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Omar Temple No. 21 Shrine Youth Group has kids male and female ranging in ages between 6 and 16.  Our purpose is keeping kids off the streets by intervention at an early age. A variety of activities are conducted such as field trips to horse stables, hikes, sporting events, trips to state drill competitions, participation at state conventions, charity awareness development and volunteering, homework assistance and mentoring.  We talk to the kids about staying off drugs, staying out of trouble, staying in school and the value of a good education.  We encourage parental involvement in all activities. .

The Unit Groups meets on the first Saturday each month at 9:00AM  at the Prince Hall Masonic Building, 602 East Broad Street in Savannah, GA.

For more information contact:
Richard Morrison, Director
Cell 912-270-1529
Edward Russell, Asst. Director
Cell 912-572-9046
Home 912-368-4585

 We are hoping to add an additional football team, soccer team, track and field team and introduce the youth non-traditional activities such as golf.  We will buy additional computers and software to assist us in our efforts.  These tools will also be used to provide computer training and assist with homework.


All of our programs are free and open to everyone.

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