History of Omar Court No. 91
Daughters of Isis
Know ye that reposing special trust and confidence in our beloved Sisters, Jennie Wright, Isabelle Matthews, and Sarah Smith.
We do hereby nominate and appoint them as Commandress, First Lieutenant Commandress and Second Conmmandress, respectively, and as our special representatives, do hereby authorize them to act in their respective capacities and offices as above mentioned for:
Omar Court #91
Daughter of Isis
Oasis of Savannah, Desert of Georgia
Said Court Shall have the power and authority to initiate members in accordance with the rules and regulations as set forth in the Ritual and Constitution of the Order.
Given under our hand and Seal of the Imperial Court the 17th day of the Month of Utef Osiris 5029 which corresponds to the 25th day of August 1946.
Beula L. McKay - Imperial Commandress
Laura Henson - Imperial Treasurer
Sadie E. Barnes - Imperial Recordress
This is the foundation of Omar Court genesis. From that time until now Omar has evolved into a majestic, eminent society. The following will prove this to be true. The Illustrious Commandresses are as follows:
Dt. Berdie Burke, 1952-1962, She became the First Deputy of the Oasis of Savannah.
Dt. Annie B. Gibbons, 1963-1964, She was the First Deputy of the Desert of Georgia.
Dt. Rosa Newton, 1964-1968, She was the Second Deputy of the Oasis of Savannah.
Dt. Dorothy Phoenix, 1969 -1970, During this administration the Court entertained Dt. Anita G. Adams, Deputy of the Desert Alabama. Dt.Aretrmisa Junier and Dt. Johnnie Pat Dalton visited the Court with her. Dt. Phoenix was the overseer of the Desert of Georgia.
Dt. Marilyn Tremble, 1970 -1971, she was the third Deputy of the Oasis of Savannah. During P.C. Tremble administration, the Isiserettes were organized and the Court purchased the material for the uniforms and boots for the girls. She initiated 17 new members, P.P. J.T. Tremble, her husband was the first Noble Advisor to the Court, traveled to Baltimore, Maryland and Houston, Texas for Imperial Session. The Court celebrated its 25th anniversary with the Isiserettes serving as hostess.
Dt. Wilma Wallace, 1972 - 1974, she was the First Deputy of the Isiserettes for the State of Georgia.
Dt. Margaret Simmons, 1975 -1976,
Dt. Corene Cross, 1977 -1978
Dt. Allene Mitchell, 1979 -1980
Dt. Ruby Lee Franklin, 1981 - 1982, she was the Second Deputy of the Isiserettes for the State of Georgia.
Dt. Willie Mae Horton, 1983 -1984, during the administration of P.C. Horton 15 Daughters were created, Gala Day was held in our fair city, the Deputy's Ball was held at the Desoto Helton, and we held a beautiful parade. The first Luau at the Desoto Hilton, a boat ride to Dufuski Island, Dt. Horton organized the first Western Disco as a fundraiser for the Court to purchase the Officers Jewels, Commandress Crown and Isis cover for the court. She had 32 Isiserettes, she was the fifth Deputy of the Oasis.
Dt. Earnestine Lang, 1985- 1986, P.C. Lang was the 4th Deputy of the oasis. During her administration the Court traveled to Atlanta to visit with our sister Court Nabbar Court to attend, "On A Sabbath Day", which was sponsored by Nabbar Court. The Court sponsored a cruise, Fashion Show and luncheon aboard the Captain Sam's Cruise Ship, Savannah State Homecoming Parade winning first place; participated in Imperial Session 2001 & 2002. Served as chairperson for the adopted Grandparent project; also P.C. Commandress Banquet; attended first Lucille Crawford Scholarship Banquet. Attended the March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon.
Dt. Lucille Crawford, 1990 -1991, Under the administration of P.C. Crawford, she co-hosted the 1990 Georgia Gala Festival at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Participated in opening and Memorial Services assisted with the Talent and Scholarship Pageant and the Past Commandress Committee. The Court held a Past Commandress Banquet honoring them for their loyal and faithful service over the years. Presented them with awards and carnations, they were escorted by Omar Temple #21 Foot Patrol. The Presentation were made by First Lt. Dt. True Palmer and Second Lt. Dt. Lynnette S. Hymes. During this affair the Daughters and Nobles were entertained by a Fashion Show" everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously. She participated in the Cardiovascular Unit in Savannah by taking blood pressures of the Daughters and Nobles every second Sunday afternoon after meeting. Represented Omar Court in the Beaufort, SC Water Festival Parade. She was driven by Second Lt. Commandress Dt. Lynnette Hymes. Omar Court #91 sponsored an Award Banquet with the Honorable Diane Harvey Johnson as the speaker. She reiterated on the 3'E's, Education, Economic Development and Environment, Rep. Johnson applauded Omar Court for using our own facility for the Banquet. Omar Court donated $500.00 to Greenbriar Children, and a donation to Inner City Night Shelter for the homeless, co-hosted Region III in Savannah at the Radisson Hotel, recieved a beautiful plague from the Imperial Deputy of Georgia, Dt. Jettie N. Lights for co-hosting Region III, and created nine Daugthers into the Court.
Dt. True Palmer, 1992 - 1993, during this administration the Court made six new members,did Blood Pressures check bi-monthly, made calendars with the court pictures on them and gave trophies to all her officers for their good work.
Dt. Lynnette Hymes, 1994 - 1995, during Commanadress Hymes administration the Court gave a donation to the following St. Jude Hospital for Children. February 17, 1994 organized the Past Commandress Council, March 13, 1994, the Oldie but Goodie Disco, April 15, 1994, assist the Nobles of Omar Temple #21 Clown Unit in hosiptal and convalescent home visitation, and distribution goodwill packets on April 23,1994;traveled to Jekyll Island, GA for Gala Day May 13-15, 1994; held Thanksgiving Services at Tremont Temple Baptist Church May 15, 1994; initiated five new members June 18, 1994; held Potentate/Commandress Ball July 29, 1994; attended the Imperial Court Session in St. Louis, Missouri August13-19, 1994; Sponsored bus ride to Jacksonville, Fl, September 17, 1994, sponsored Western Disco October 21,1994, initiated eleven members December 3, 1994, reinstated three members December 3, 1994, initiated two new members January 7, 1995 presented donation to United Negro College Fund, January 7, 1995, presented P.C. Horton with Patent as Deputy of the Oasis of Savannah, January 8,1995;participated in the March of Dimes Walk America April 29, 1995.
Dt. Cassandra T. Barnwell, 1996 -1997
Dt. Cora Pluitt, 1997 - 1998, during the Imperial Session Dt. Vanda Patton received the first Honorary Past Commandress Degree for Omar Court #91.
Dt. Lillie Waring,1999 - 2000, during her administration The Little Mr. & Miss Omar Pageant was established as an Annual Event with this project raising over $3000.00 in funds. A bus trip to Florida, FAMU Homecomming celebration as a fundraiser, Participated in the Savannah State Parade winner second place for the creativity of their float. Omar held their first Superbowel Party that generated over $500.00 in funds. Adopt-a-Grandparent project was organized. Co-hosted the 1999 Gala Day festival held in the Oasis of Savannah at the Holiday Inn Hotel. Lucille Crawford Health Fair was organized. Also Lucille Crawford Scholarship Funds was implemented. P.C Waring was named Commandress of Year for the Desert of Georgia in 1999. P.C. Waring is currently serving as Deputy of the Oasis.
Dt. Barbara Suggs, 2001 -2002, during her administration the Tots for Kids project was implemented, Co-Chairperson Lucille Crawford Health Fair, participated in Savannah State Homecomming Parade winning first place; participated in Imperial Session 2001 & 2002. Served as chairperson for the adopted Grandparent project; also P.C. Commandress Banquet; attended first Lucille Crawford Scholarship Banquet. Attended the March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon
Dt. Jacquline B. Cooper, - Present Commadress
Omar Court #91 Current Officers
Dt, Jacquline B. Cooper Illustrious Commandress
Dt. Willie Mae Douglas First Lieutenant Commandress
Dt. Eddie Lee Marsh Second Lieutenant Commandress
Dt. Jacquline A. Cooper High Priestress
Dt. Frankie Totten Oriental Guide
Dt. Dannette Johnson First Ceremonial Daughter
Dt. Rose White Second Ceremonial Daughter
Dt. Tonya Gordon Inside Spy
Dt. Mattie Blake Outside Spy
Dt. Bevely Morrison Recordress
Dt. Cherry Blue-Hamilton Tresurer
Dt. Jenean Turner Assist Recordress
Dt. Pealie Dawson Marshall
Dt. Jeannette Cooper Marshall
Dt. Dannette Johnson Director of Isiserette